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0447 607 796



Online Enquiry

* Required fields

Entry 2025 AASA National Sprint Kart Championship

Item Code: 005
Price:  $150.00 – $450.00

Entry 2025 AASA National Sprint Kart Championship

Item Code: 005
Price:  $150.00 – $450.00
Name of Race Meet *
Full Name of Driver *
Contact Phone Number *
Kart Number *
Transponder Number *
License Type *
Club Membership with *
Class to be entered *
2nd Class Entered *
3rd Class entered
* Required

You must submit a separate entry via this portal for each different driver but can submit up to three entries for the same driver entering different classes.  The entry fee is $150.00 per class.  All details requested must be completed.  Please read the supp regs which can be downloaded from this website for further details on how you can enter via email also.

 If you have any issues submitting entries on this portal please just use the alternative manual entry option which is included in the supp regs

The manual options include email all details to :

Enquiries can be made by calling  0447 607 796


NOTE:  You must complete the shipping details but no shipping applies to this entry.